The intricate interplay of signs with the processes of creativity, complexity, and intelligence is immersed in all varieties, modalities, and ecologies of meaning-making. Meaning-making is always creative, complex, and intelligent, in both its agreements, alignments, and continuums, as well as its incompatibilities, controversies, and contradictions.
According to Juri Lotman, one of the defining characteristics of an intelligent semiotic system is its ability to be creative, i.e. the ability to produce new and unpredictable meanings. Lotman noted that this ability is not exclusive to the human mind but can occur in various other systems and at multiple scales, where a sufficient degree of complexity is present.
The role of creativity in learning and development, be it in humans or non-humans, is integrative within patterns of emergence, reproduction, and decay in complex systems, such as nature, culture, or the individual mind. Intelligence – be it organic or artificial, individual or collective – manifests in various signs and sign systems and is in time creatively transformed through meaning-making.
We kindly invite proposals for conference presentations and sessions of presentations on the dynamic relationships between signs, creativity, complexity, and intelligence and their transformative impact within education, art or the arts, play, and scientific inquiry.
We welcome papers on the topics of interest, including but not limited to:
- Semiotic theories of creativity, complexity, and intelligence;
- The nature and culture of creativity, complexity, and intelligence;
- Semiotics, psychology, and cognitive science of creativity, complexity, and intelligence;
- Creativity, complexity, and intelligence in various modalities of meaning-making;
- Creativity, complexity, and intelligence in humans and non-humans;
- The relationships between various cognitive processes and creativity, complexity, and intelligence;
- Agency, the self, and subjectivity within creativity, complexity, and intelligence;
- Creativity, complexity, and intelligence in organic and artificial systems;
- Emergence and decay of creativity, complexity, and intelligence;
- Creativity, complexity, and intelligence in art, play, and science;
- Creativity, complexity, and intelligence in education, learning and development;
- Language and other sign systems in relation to creativity, complexity, and intelligence;
- Digital technologies in relation to creativity, complexity, and intelligence;
- Ecologies of creativity, complexity, and intelligence;
- Futures and prospects of creativity, complexity, and intelligence – expectations and anticipations.
The conference is organized by the Nordic Association for Semiotic Studies, Tallinn University School of Humanities, and the Juri Lotman Semiotics Repository. The official languages of the conference are English and Russian. All participants are expected to attend in person, as online participation is not available.
Confirmed plenary speakers
- Terrence Deacon, University of California, Berkeley, USA
- Joanna Rączaszek-Leonardi, University of Warsaw, Poland
- Aaro Toomela, Tallinn University, Estonia
We invite proposals for presentations (20 minutes + 10 minutes for discussion). Kindly submit the abstract of your presentation (up to 350 words) by January 15, 2025.
For more information, please visit or write to
Organizing team at Tallinn University
Lauri Linask (conference chair), Merja Bauters,Tatjana Kuzovkina, Merit Maran, Daniele Monticelli, Marek Tamm, Mikhail Trunin.
Edited by Daniele Monticelli, Merit Maran ja Franciscu Sedda.
TLU Press, 2024.
While Lotman didn’t provide a systematic theory of conflict, his ideas on the incompatibility of codes, untranslatability, stereoscopicity, semiotic resistance between communication partners, misunderstanding as conversation in non-identical languages and tension between opposing structural poles inside a semiotic system offer a rich foundation for the understanding of cultural and social conflict.
- We Are Alive Because We Are All Different
- We Will Survive If We Are Wise
- “We Need Everything: There Is Nothing Superfluous in the World …”
The volume also contains the first English translations of three essays written by Lotman in the early 1990s, when the collapse of the USSR provoked new hopes as well as new conflicts.
The diverse nature of the perspectives developed in the studies gathered here shows that Lotman’s ideas have the theoretical scope and versatility to inform a multifaceted approach to the analysis of conflict as well as providing some much-needed reflection on our current turbulent times.
Authors: Brian James Baer, Cristina Demaria, Laura Gherlone, Eduardo Chávez Herrera, Israel León O’Farrill, Anna Maria Lorusso, Merit Maran, Daniele Monticelli, Mario Panico, Igor Pilshchikov, Pietro Restaneo, Franciscu Sedda, Patrizia Violi, Nicola Zengiaro.
What – and how – do we know and acquire knowledge about the future? What is the link between the past, present, and future? Furthermore, what does the capacity of future-making depend on? The aforementioned are some of the guiding questions through which we aim to shed light on and better comprehend the processes of creation, circulation, and choices of models of the future.
The topics to explore include, but are not limited to:
- ways and means of modelling futures in culture, society and nature
- human and non-human agency in future-making
- future consciousness – the capacity to understand, anticipate and prepare for the future, particularly in times of uncertainty
- speculative futures and speculative approaches to the future
- umwelt change and future umwelts
- futures of human-environment relations
- futures of semiotics and humanities
Please find the CFP on our homepage:
TSSS in Facebook:
TSSS 2023 is organised by the Department of Semiotics, University of Tartu in cooperation with Estonian Association of Semiotics.
26 February 2023
Lossi 3–328
11.00-11.30 Мария Плюханова (Перуджа, Италия). Протопоп Аввакум в «Братьях Карамазовых».
11.30-12.00 Йитка Комендова (Оломоуц, Чехия). Коммуникационные стратегии в Житии Стефана Пермского
12.00-12.30 Александр Панченко (Тарту). «Русский мат» и его религиозная история.
12.30-13.00 Алевтина Соловьева (Тарту). Книжный сказ – несколько слов о малоизученном монгольском жанре бэнсэн улигер.
13.00 – дискуссия, обед
14.30-15.00 Леа Пильд (Тарту). Некрасовские аллюзии в стихах Михаила Кузмина.
15.00-15.30 Мария Боровикова (Тарту). Цикл М. Цветаевой «Стихи к Сонечке» (1919).
15.30-16.00 Константин Поливанов. К монографическому комментарию к роману Б. Пастернака «Доктор Живаго».
16.00-16.30 – кофе
16.30-17.00 Екатерина Вельмезова (Тарту-Лозанна). Об эстонском языке в «дискуссии по вопросам языкознания» 1950 года.
17.00-17.30 Ирина Пярт (Тарту-Таллинн). Быт и событие в переписке Бежаницких- Раевских.
17.30-18.00 Елена Погосян (Альберта, Канада). Фотостудия Лены и Томаса Гушулов: жанровое разнообразие эмигрантской фотографии в Канаде (1910-у – 1930-е годы).
18.00 – дискуссия
27 February 2023
Lossi 3–328
11.00-11.30 Елена Аксаментова (Тарту). Скульптурные экфрасисы в русской литературе первой половины XIX века: аспект тактильности.
11.30-12.00 Татьяна Степанищева (Тарту). Поэма Анны Буниной «О счастии»: возможные источники и контекст. Антонина Мартыненко (Тарту). От «печи дымной избы» к «сельской жатве»: К вопросу о конструировании образа одной крестьянской поэтессы 1830-х гг.
12.30-13.00 Ольга Чадаева (Оломоуц, Чехия) Темные воды массовой литературы: опыт чтения женского фэнтези.
13.00 – дискуссия, обед
14.30-15.00 Janika Päll (Tartu). Karl Morgenstern teaching poetics: the first chapter of his course on applied aesthetic theory.
15.00-15.30 Наталия Гамалова (Лион, Франция). Жан Шюзевиль. Реконструкция биографии.
15.30-16.00 Людмила Спроге (Рига, Латвия). Русский эпиграф в латышском сонете (Бальмонт: Virza)
16.00-16.30 – кофе
16.30-17.00 Михаил Велижев (Université Grenoble Alpes, Франция). Новая редакция «Апологии безумца» Чаадаева: текст и контексты.
17.00-17.30 Роман Лейбов (Тарту). Из истории русской поэтической семантики: «двойная бездна».
17.30-18.00 Александр Долинин (Висконсинский университет в Мэдисоне, США). Набросок Пушкина «Везувий зев открыл…»: проблемы текста и контекстов.
18.00 – дискуссия
28 February 2023
10.00 – посещение кладбища Раади (встречаемся на могиле Ю.М. Лотмана и З.Г. Минц)
11.00-12.30 – поминаем Ю.М. Лотмана, Lossi 3–207
Lossi 3–328
12.30 – Вручение Лотмановской стипендии.
Презентация тартуских изданий 2022 года
13.00-13.30 Любовь Киселева (Тарту). Лекционная стратегия Ю.М. Лотмана (спецкурсы о декабристах).
13.30-14.00 Татьяна Кузовкина (Таллинн). Повесть А. И. Солженицына «Один день Ивана Денисовича» в контексте размышлений Ю.М. Лотмана о культуре.
14.00-14.30 Валерий Отяковский (Тарту). К. А. Шимкевич и В. М. Жирмунский о задачах поэтики.
14.00-15.00 – кофе, Lossi 3–207
15.00-15.30 Григорий Утгоф (Таллинн). «Там проходил Норд-Экспресс»: Из материалов к творческой истории романа В. Набокова-Сирина «Подвиг» / Glory
15.30-16.00 Роман Войтехович (Тарту). Зощенковский сюжет в «Компромиссе» С. Довлатова.
16.00-16.30 Олег Лекманов (Ташкент, Национальный Университет Узбекистана им. Мирзо Улугбека). Слезы в рассказе Андрея Битова «Нога» (1962).
16.30-17.00 Михаил Лотман (Тарту-Таллинн). К проблеме вторичного метра.
17.00 – заключительная дискуссия и завершение семинара в Lossi 3–207.
Näituse avavad Eesti suursaadik UNESCO juures Priit Pallum ja Tartu semiootika osakonna õppejõud Elin Sütiste.

Juri Lotmani juubel on ka UNESCO aastapäevade programmis.
Näituse korraldamist toetasid Eesti Semiootika Selts, Eesti Kultuuriministeerium (“Eesti kultuur maailmas”), Tartu Ülikool, Eesti Kultuurkapital ja Tartu Kultuurkapital.
February 2022 marked 100 years since the birth of Estonian-Russian semiotician Juri Lotman (St. Petersburg, Russia Lotman, 1922 – Tartu, Esthonia, 2022). To celebrate this anniversary, the exhibition “Journey in Juri Lotman’s Semiosphere” which was first presented at the Estonian National Museum, is now hosted by MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art in Thessaloniki, Greece, from August 30 till September 18, 2022.
Parallel events:
September 1, 2022 / 14:00 – Guided tour in the exhibition “Journey in Juri Lotman’s Semiosphere” by the semioticians Peeter Torop and Silvi Salupere. The tour will be in English.
September 15, 2022 / 14:00-18:00 – One day workshop in the frame of the exhibition “Journey in Juri Lotman’s Semiosphere”, organized and run by the Semiotic Lab of AUTh and MOMus-Museum of Contemporary Art. The workshop will be in Greek.
Thessaloniki also hosts XV World Congress of Semiotics from August 30 to September 2, 2022.

Look also MoMus homepage.
The organisatsion of the exhibition was supported by Estonian Semiotics Association, Estonian Ministry of Culture, University of Tartu, Cultural Endowment of Estonia, Cultural Endowment of Tartu.
Edited by Silvia N. Barei and Ariel Gómez Ponce.
Centro de Estudios Avanzados, 2022
Available in UNC Digital repository.
La esfera de la comprensión
Kalevi Kull
Silvia N. Barei ja Ariel Gómez Ponce
Parte I. Esferas de la cultura
Volver a Lotman en tiempos pandémicos
Roberto Marafioti
Dinamismo cultural
Lectura transversal de una concepción permanente
Ana Camblong
Fronteras y diversalidades
Zulma Palermo
Dinámicas semióticas de la identidad y la diferencia
en la cultura
Froilán Fernández
Lo impredecible-predecible
La recursividad en los cambios culturales
Julieta Haidar
Cambios y transformaciones de la cultura misma
Eduardo Chávez Herrera
Mecanismos semióticos de la traducción inversa en
la dinámica de las culturas
Irene Machado
El tiempo cultural entre narraciones osificadas y
fuerzas latentes
Laura Gherlone
Memoria, bifurcaciones
Susana Gómez
Lotman y los feminismos: el carácter poroso de naturaleza
y cultura
Adriana Boria
De la semiosfera a la corposfera
José Enrique Finol
Emociones culturales
Cultura(s) del miedo, cultura(s) de la vergüenza
Ariel Gómez Ponce
Retóricas de la cultura
Más allá de los clásicos
Silvia N. Barei
Parte II. Esferas del arte
Sistema modelizante
Regulaciones y márgenes de libertad en Poco hombre
de P. Lemebel y Parrimontun de M. Mora Curriao
Ana Inés Leunda
Comunicación, conservación, generación de sentidos,
y otras derivas de nuestras telenovelas
Ariel Gómez Ponce
Temporalidad: vida humana, sociedad, historia
Pampa Arán
Acerca del mito, o de cómo recordar el nombre propio
de las cosas
Ernesto Pablo Molina Ahumada
Pensar lo heterogéneo
Silvia N. Barei
Semiótica de la escena
En torno a la noción de presencia
Héctor Ponce de la Fuente
Sobre las y los autores
Juri Lotman Scholarship is given by Juri Lotman’s Fund on 28th February since 2002 to a grade student of semiotics and a grade student of Russian philology who continue the tradition of Lotman’s research.
In 2022 awardees are:
Jelena Aksamentova for the study “Sculpture Images in the second half of the 18th and the first half of 19th Century Russian Poetry”.
Merit Rickberg for the articles on the potential of Juri Lotman’s semiotics of culture in complexity-based understanding of education.

We, the participants of the International congress Juri Lotman’s Semiosphere, from 37 different countries including Russia and Ukraine, demand the immediate cessation of the war against Ukraine.
The internationally renowned academic Juri Lotman was born in Russia exactly 100 years ago, and for most of his life he worked as a professor at the University of Tartu in Estonia. He was a veteran of World War II and saw the horrors of that war with his own eyes.
Lotman thought a lot about the unpredictability of history: the course of history seems deterministic only in retrospect, whereas in fact there are “momentous moments” when the course of events is determined by people’s free choices and cooperative actions. Today is one of those moments when many historical destinies depend on our solidarity, on the will of all nations: the fate of Ukraine which chose the independent path of democracy; the fate of Russia whose people deserve more than the shameful reputation of an aggressor nation; the fate of the entire world, which should quickly douse the flames of war and prevent its spread into other countries.
We, the scholars in the humanities, call on everyone to do everything possible to stop this bloodshed. It is upon ourselves that the responsibility lies on what kind of a future we will choose.
Available on Youtube.
Watch the live stream of the plenary lectures of the congress “Juri Lotman’s Semiosphere” here:
The original link to the stream is available in ERR news portal here:
Schedule of the plenary lectures:
- 25.02 at 10:30 Mieke Bal “Reading the World: The Urgency of Semiotic Thinking”
- 26.02 at 11:30 Aleida Assmann “On the shoulders of giants: from Lotman’s semiotics to cultural memory”
- 27.02 at 11:30 Yuri Tsivian “Lotman, Eisenstein and the Concept of Ambiguity”
- 28.02 at 12:00 Boriss Gasparov „Between the system and the subject: Lotman’s Semiosphere and the early Romantic concept of intersubjectivity”
- 28.02 at 15:00 Boriss Uspenski „Semiotics and Communication”
25.02 at 10:30 Mieke Bal “Reading the World: The Urgency of Semiotic Thinking”
26.02 at 11:30 Aleida Assmann “On the shoulders of giants: from Lotman’s semiotics to cultural memory”
27.02 at 11:30 Yuri Tsivian “Lotman, Eisenstein and the Concept of Ambiguity”
28.02 at 12:00 Boriss Gasparov „Between the system and the subject: Lotman’s Semiosphere and the early Romantic concept of intersubjectivity”
28.02 at 15:00 Boriss Uspenski „Semiotics and Communication” and the public ceremony.
The volume is addition to the many volumes that have celebrated his anniversaries, some of which were published during the life of Juri Lotman (for his 50th, 60th and 70th anniversary) and after (80th and 90th anniversary). The publications were based on the papers presented in anniversary congresses dedicated to Lotman.
Central part of current volume contains letters exchanged between Lotman and his sister Lidia from 1950 to 1993 with commentary by Larissa Naiditsh; also unauthorised notes from Lotman’s lectures on Karamzin (published by Ljubov Kisseljova) and Lotman’s review to Boriss Egorov’s thesis (edited by Pavel Glushakov).
And Lotman’s name cannot be separated from that of his wife, Zara Mints, the volume is also dedicated to her 95th birthday. The second part of the publication contains her paper on Gorki (edited by Lea Pild and Anastasia Jermolajeva) and her recollections on meeting Anna Akhmatovaga (published by Lea Pild, with comments from Roman Timentshik).
The volume also contains papers from the members of “Lotmans department” today, reflecting on Lotman’s heritage, discussing authors that were important to Lotman and Mints (Karamzin, Zhukovsky, Küсhelbecker, Tolstoi, Samoilov, Andrei Bely, Gorki, Blok etc.
The last part of the volume presents memoirs of students of Lotman from 1960s and 1970s.
The volume is in Russian.

Любовь Киселева. «Я написал самую Карамзинскую речь для Российской академии и А. С. Шишкова!» (полемическая речь Карамзина 1818 года)
Татьяна Степанищева. К истории русской рецепции Г. Гейне (В.А. Жуковский, В.К. Кюхельбекер, П.А. Вяземский).
Роман Лейбов. Заумный Толстой.
Роман Войтехович. Воображаемое пространство: «Петербург» Андрея Белого и «Попытка комнаты» Марины Цветаевой.
Леа Пильд. Моцартовские и блоковские мотивы в поэтическом цикле Михаила Кузмина «Пути Тамино»
Мария Боровикова, Леонетта Паванелло. Поэтика «Сказок об Италии» М. Горького.
Андрей Немзер. Контексты пьесы Давида Самойлова «Живаго и другие».
Михаил Лотман. К проблеме «Лотман и марксизм»
Екатерина Вельмезова, Калеви Кулль. Ю.М. Лотман глазами современных семиотиков.
Из семейной переписки Лотманов. Переписка Лидии Михайловны Лотман и Юрия Михайловича Лотмана (1950-1993) / Вступительная статья, публикация и комментарии Л. Найдич
Отзыв Ю. М. Лотмана на диссертацию Б. Ф. Егорова «Русская литературная критика (1848 – 1861 гг.)» / Вступительная статья и убликация П. Глушакова
Спецкурсы Ю.М. Лотмана по творчеству Н.М. Карамзина. Неавторизованные конспекты лекций, прочитанных в Тартуском университете / Вступительная заметка, публикация и комментарии Л. Киселевой
Письмо Ю.М. Лотмана И.З. Серману / Вступительная заметка и публикация Л. Найдич
Воспоминания Зары Григорьевны Минц. об Анне Ахматовой / Вступительная заметка и примечания Р. Тименчика, публикация Л. Пильд
Статья З.Г. Минц о творчестве Горького / Вступительная заметка и публикация Л. Пильд, перевод статьи А. Ермолаевой
Ксения Кумпан. Моя научная школа: Отрывки воспоминаний.
Мария Ионина. Тарту в 1970-е годы. Мои воспоминания
Available on Tallinn University Youtube channel.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Risus ultricies tristique nulla aliquet enim. Nec dui nunc mattis enim. Non blandit massa enim nec dui nunc mattis enim ut. Cursus vitae congue mauris rhoncus. Tellus mauris a diam maecenas sed enim ut sem viverra. Eu nisl nunc mi ipsum faucibus vitae aliquet nec ullamcorper. Aliquet enim tortor at auctor urna. Placerat vestibulum lectus mauris ultrices eros in cursus. Vehicula ipsum a arcu cursus vitae congue mauris rhoncus. Nisl nisi scelerisque eu ultrices. Eu sem integer vitae justo. Suspendisse ultrices gravida dictum fusce ut. Sed velit dignissim sodales ut eu sem. Sed enim ut sem viverra aliquet eget sit. Bibendum neque egestas congue quisque egestas diam in arcu. Proin sed libero enim sed faucibus turpis in eu. Facilisis volutpat est velit egestas dui id.
Sisenete kinosaali, tuled kustuvad ja teie ette ilmub vestluskaaslane, kes näitlejate ja diktori häälte ning valgel linal vilkuvate varjude mänguga püüab teile teada anda millestki, mida ta oluliseks peab ja ühtlasi veenda teid, et selle teada saamine on ka teie jaoks hädavajalik. Käesoleva raamatu sisu võib võtta kui filmikeele aabitsat, kui kinematograafia keele esimesi õppetunde. Ning nagu iga aabits sisaldab tähestiku põhitõdede tutvustust ja lugemisvara, on ka käesolevas raamatus olemas filmikeele tähestiku elemendid ja lood filmikunsti ajaloost. See on raamat alustamiseks neile, kes tahavad kõnelda ekraaniga ja mõista tema keelt.
Esmakordselt 1994. aastal ilmunud „Dialoog ekraaniga“ on filmikunsti ABC, mis on nüüdseks juba kujunenud klassikaks. Teos on läbinud kaasautori Juri Tsivjani värskenduskuuri ning ilmub eesti keeles esmakordselt.