The publication of Lotman’s very first scholarly article “Kratkie nastavlenia russkim rytsariam” M. A. Dmitrieva-Mamonova: Neizvestnyi pamyatnik agitatsionnoi publitsistiki rannego dekabrizma”, which became a significant piece in the study of the movement of social thought in Russia.
Noor Lotman (perekonna fotoalbumist)
The publication of Lotman’s very first scholarly article “Kratkie nastavlenia russkim rytsariam” M. A. Dmitrieva-Mamonova: Neizvestnyi pamyatnik agitatsionnoi publitsistiki rannego dekabrizma”, which became a significant piece in the study of the movement of social thought in Russia. Ref: Lotman, Ju. M. 1949. ‘“Kratkie nastavlenia russkim…